Keep Your Gut Health Happy


The desire to have better-looking skin is one of the main drivers of “clean eating.” A frequently asked question from our clients is if diet and nutrition affect the skin in any way.  Simply put, the answer is, YES!  

The Gut-Skin Axis 

To make this all easier to digest, let’s make an analogy (pardon the pun). Our gut is like the dirt in a garden if you like. For the plants to be supported, strong, have thick leaves, and bloom, the soil must have the proper quantities of nutrients and bacterial balance. The proper bacterial and nutrient balance in our gut is also necessary for strong, glossy, and vibrant skin. 

70% of your immune system is located in your gut, which is also where we manufacture nutrition, neurotransmitters, detoxifying enzymes, and antibodies that fight invaders. If any of these systems are out of balance or aren’t functioning properly, it can have a significant impact on the entire body and its largest organ, the skin! 

Imagine how your complexion and general health and wellness might be negatively impacted by hormones that are out of harmony. Our skin won’t obtain the nutrition it needs to support it if we aren’t getting enough nutrients or aren’t digesting our food properly because of poor gut health. This has an impact on the suppleness and generation of collagen in the skin, which will show up as dull, lifeless skin with uneven tone. 

How To Know If You Have An Unhealthy Gut 

  • You have stomach problems – Consistent discomfort, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn may indicate that your gut is having trouble breaking down food and removing waste. 
  • You are often exhausted – You are frequently exhausted. Unbalances in the intestines may exist in those who have chronic fatigue. 
  • You have trouble falling asleep – In general, you have problems falling asleep. An unhealthy gut might result in insomnia or poor sleep. 
  • You are constantly stressed or zoned out – Did you know that Serotonin, which influences mood and sleep, is mostly produced in the gut? So, your mood may also be impacted by intestinal inflammation or bacterial overgrowth. 
  • You have food sensitivities – Poor gut bacterial quality may contribute to food intolerances. This might result in bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pain. 
  • You have constant cravings – You have intense food cravings, particularly sugar. A surplus of “bad” bacteria in the gut might result from consuming too much sugar. Sugar, particularly high-fructose corn syrup, has been linked to inflammation in the body, putting you at risk for additional ailments and skin problems too! 
  • You experience rapid, unintentional changes in your weight – When your gut is out of balance, your body may struggle to absorb nutrition, accumulate fat and manage blood sugar. Insufficient nutrition or an excess of bad gut bacteria might result in weight loss or gain. 
  • You have irritated skin. Many skin diseases and issues, including psoriasis, eczema, even acne, and oily skin may be linked to digestive problems. 
  • You develop headaches. Particularly if you have nausea or vomiting along with migraines, there may be a connection between headaches and gastrointestinal health. According to studies, those who get headaches frequently are also more likely to experience gastrointestinal problems. 

The Bacterial Tug-of-War 

So now that we know the signs of bad gut health, what is the main factor that influences the good health of the gut? The answer is Bacteria, and mind you, there are ten times more bacteria in the gut than there are cells in the body. 

About 500–1000 distinct bacterial species live alongside us. I know it’s not very spectacular but just think of those helpful bacteria as your body’s and skin’s closest allies. Numerous research is demonstrating the potential impact of that bacteria’s nature on our well-being, skin, and mood. To feel and look our best, we must strive for a balance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms, including pathogens. An abundance of unfavorable bacteria can play

a significant role in several health and beauty problems, including acne, rosacea, premature aging of the skin, dull skin, and low energy. According to studies, skin inflammation will occur where there is gut inflammation. Mind-blowing, isn’t it? 

Ensure the Good Bacteria Wins, Every Time! 

Unfortunately, many of the lifestyle traits that are associated with modern living are not particularly liked by good gut Bacteria. Stress, processed foods, antibiotics, alcohol, cigarettes, sweets, and pollution can all harm beneficial bacteria while feeding dangerous bacteria. 

So how do make this better, you ask? Simple, practice conscious eating and be mindful of the food you eat! That doesn’t mean you have to go vegan or eat only oatmeal, simply be aware of the food you eat, the nutritional content of the food, and how the food you eat affects your gut! 

Ways To Adopt A Healthy Diet 

  • Consume whole foods since healthy eating promotes the formation of good microorganisms. Try to choose low-HI foods and adopt a low-human-intervention diet. That entails consuming a lot of whole foods that are produced by nature rather than meals contaminated by people or altered in a lab. 
  • Probiotics: Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species are effective strains of beneficial bacteria. They can be found in yogurts and probiotic beverages, but you should watch out that they don’t also contain gut-depleting sugar. 
  • Certified Organic foods are considerably more nutrient-dense and free of harmful chemicals that harm intestinal health. 
  • Eat smaller meals and chew food slowly so it liquefies before swallowing as digestive enzymes in saliva aid in the breakdown of meals. 
  • Too much acidity in the body promotes the growth of unfavorable microbes. So eat more alkalizing meals, such as green leafy vegetables, and consume fewer acid-forming foods to lessen the body’s acidity. 
  • Grains are a good source of fiber for detoxifying. To make grains simpler to digest, soak or ferment them if you eat them. This aids in removing anti-nutrients as well.  
  • Add Vitamin C-rich food like citrus fruits to your diet. They are great for good metabolism and help with skin problems like dullness and pigmentation as well.  
  • Coconut oil is super beneficial for intestinal health as it contains lauric acid, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Don’t forget to add extra virgin coconut oil in your meals often. Also try oil pulling with coconut il, a method used to remove oral bacteria!
  • Herbs help with digestive health and reduce gut and skin inflammation as well. You can use herbs as a seasoning or steep herbal tea every once in a while. Some good herbs that aid digestive health are Fennel, chamomile, ginger, peppermint, oregano, rosemary, and garlic. 

Eat well, sleep well, and practice being mindful. Be aware of the food you eat, the products you use, and your lifestyle, in general. And remember, keeping your gut health happy is the stepping stone towards healthy and youthful skin, so choose wisely and keep glowing!