Minimialistic Skincare


Remember when a 12-to-14-step- skincare-routine was topping the charts a few years back? An Asian trend that began in Asia, was taking a 360 degree panaromic trip around the globe. People were so enthusiastic just to talk about how elaborate their skincare routines were. There were literally vlogs talking about numerous products, promoting every single step as if, a skincare routine is never complete without a missed step. Showing multiple versions of essences, toners, lotions, chemical exfoliants, creams, peels– and whatnots, and guess what? they were all, just for the face. 

As the world moves forward, I believe, everyone is learning and unlearning. There came an approach towards skincare in the latter part of 2021 to the beginning of 2022, where people started to actually question whether skincare has to be this complicated. Post-pandemic , the reality taught us that, on top of the protective masks we wore, skincare should be more of an on-the-go thing. Cause of course, the world was fighting bigger demons. Moving forward, in fact, “less is more” didn’t sound as if it is the worst approach after all, as far as skincare was concerned. The very same approach, started to end up being effective and rewarding. It explained many more half-used or unused tubs and tubes we had in our bathroom cabinets. Cause truth be told, 12, 14, even 20 step skincare routines, were too much of a trouble in this fast paced life. And in many people’s opinion, it became unneccessary too. That’s when, the answer that was laying there all along, became so apparent, skinimalism.


So what is skinimalism? Skinimalism, AKA skincare-minimalism, is the current big thing in skincare. It simply means, less is more. You do not have to be convinced to buy 20 skincare products to achieve healthy skin. And when you just think about it, it does make sense. What happens to your skin, when you feed it with products chemical or non-chemical, when it is not asking for it? What happens to your skin, when you load it with unnecessary steps when you have a single active break out? It reacts. It reacts bad. You end up with more breakouts, irritation, dry skin and redness. Skincare is supposed to heal your skin and skin barrier not make it worse.

You see, your skin can bear only so much. Which is why, since day one, in CLAY, we always stuck to skincare minimalism. We here, believe that, skincare should not be complicated, or a chore. It should be an act of self care. A few minutes you spend with yourself- a quality time.  We don’t want an act of self love to sound so perplexed, do we? Apart from that, when the idea, as we know, is doing more harm than good, you know you sense it getting out of hands. 

Conscious beauty.

We, as a brand, pride ourselves on how much attention we pay towards conscious beauty. Be it our ingredients, our contents, formula, to packaging, everything screams simplicity. With simplicity coupled up with knowledge based content, we believe that, skincare should be pertinent. Skincare-minimalism, is not only helping you avoid waste that was uncalled for, it is also, helping you reach and achieve healed, healthy, better skin every single day. Now that is something, skincare is “supposed” to do.

Skinimalism is not just a trend that blooms today, and withers off tomorrow, no, not according to me. It is what creates skincare approachable and practical. That’s something I stood by, when I created CLAY! Minimalism has always been part of CLAY, because skincare minimalism does what it needs to do. Nothing less, nothing more. It treats, feeds and nourishes your skin. 

Your savings.

What do you save with an open approach towards skincare-minimalism? Your money, of course, Skinimalism is going to save the couple of extra bucks you may spend on skincare not knowing what a certain acid even does to your skin. But, your savings do not stop there. This approach towards skincare is also going to save your energy. And it is definitely going to save your most preserved asset : your time.

Reclaim your natural radiance.

When we say less is more, yes we do mean it. But pay attention to what this “less” consists of. When you accommodate certain products to your skin ensure that these products work well on you, your skin type and mood. When you incorporate certain harsh cleansers, acne medication, DIY remedies or acids to your routine, you are more likely to strip off the natural oils from your skin. This can eventually damage your skin barrier. With Minimalistic approach to skincare you are going with fewer products and you would be thoughtful with your choices. It helps you capitalise and accentuate your natural beauty. By cutting off unnecessary products from your routine and make up, you are entertaining your natural glow to shine through. By being thoughtful of which products you want in your routine, you improve your skin’s health, texture, and more.

Our take on skinimalism

Skinimalism is not a far-fetched concept. It is pretty straight-forward to adapt. A pretty easy routine we recommend our clients mostly, is to stick to a basic routine of a cleanser, toner, serum, AM and PM moisturizer, and most definitely an SPF (even though we do not have one in our line). These are the niche products that are actually necessary to keep your skin healthy. (This does not mean that certain medications, acids, serums are a no go for skincare. Of course, you need certain medication when your skin and your skin concerns call for it. But adding unnecessary products to your routine not knowing what it does, is actually going to ruin the base of your skin and your sin barrier). 

This basic routine which we suggest sets your skin with whatever that it needs to treat, prep and nourish your skin. Of course, we recommend our face masks as a special addition for every 2-3 times a week, which has evidently made many of our clients happy with its results. This simple and effortless routine has kept many of our clients coming for more. Cause not only is it easy, it is also effective. And we love that for them. If you would love us to create your own minimalistic skincare, we can help you. Get in touch with us, we could help you build your results driven routine, specifically according to your skin type and mood. that not only is going to keep your skin fed but also going to keep your mind free of stress and definitely save the extra time, effort, money and energy you’d usually spend on wanting to fix, heal and feed your skin. 
Find the simple routine in the carousel below that mostly works for all skin types.

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